Captivated by Love in Italy
When Victoria and Larry follow their dream to renovate an old stone farmhouse and move to Cortona, they soon discover how much they still have to learn about Italy, themselves, and their marriage. They expect a romantic adventure, but as Victoria observes, “There are no guarantees on adventures”.
Five Reasons to Read this Book
- Be transported to Tuscany.
- Connect to Victoria’s vulnerability, honesty and courage.
- Use lessons they learn to improve your own marriage.
- Gain new insights to Italian art, food, culture, customs.
- Be inspired to reach for your own dreams.
The Story
The Little Lark Still Sings
The Little Lark Still Sings is a true story of a quest for the sweet life gone awry, then becoming better than the dream. When Victoria and Larry, happily married for two decades, move to their favorite hilltown in Tuscany, what was a romantic adventure becomes an unexpected drama of perseverance and change.
Every day new Italian adventures unfold: beauty, art, architecture, food, and history. But so do unexpected challenges of managing daily life in a foreign culture, surviving the chaos of construction, navigating narrow roads, longing for friends, stumbling with language, obeying rules they don’t understand or agree with — struggles that undermine her confidence which, in turn, wear thin his patience. Though they share a dream, they discover their personal goals are different. His are to study and write, hers are to create the perfect Italian home and make friends. He needs quiet time; she needs his help.
From the joys and near-disasters of renovating an ancient stone farmhouse to celebrating their first Italian dinner party, Victoria learns about Italy, herself, and their marriage. In The Little Lark Still Sings, she shares their humorous and character-stretching experiences with insight and wisdom — offering lessons that enchant, encourage, and uplift.
Reader Comments
What Readers Say

Vero Beach, FL & Chicago
Lessons Learned in a Tuscan Hill Town.
Can’t put it down... Magnificent... What makes this book unique is the author’s ability to address universal emotions we all feel, and reconcile them with wisdom and insight... The author shares her vulnerabilities... teaches us we are not alone in our everyday feelings and struggles.

London, UK
Beautifully Written Journal of a Brave Relocation.
Staggeringly beautiful... pearls of wisdom on living a fulfilled life... delightful!

Calgary, Canada
Transported to Cortona!
We were privileged to zoom with Victoria as a book club... delightful!

Menlo Park, CA
A Wonderful Story of Love and Life in Italy.
She captured feelings I may have had, but have not found words to express... inspired me to be better in my own marriage... a gift you should give yourself.

Pine Hurst, NC
Made me fall in love with Italy all over again!
This author has masterfully transported readers into her shoes... raw beauty and unexpected trials... you feel like you are right there, in the midst of the daily sights, sounds, and struggles.

Holland, MI
A resplendent journey through Tuscany with life lessons on overcoming insurmountable challenges.
Victoria has an immense ability to bring you right alongside her... A thousand treasures in this book!... found myself papering it with post-it notes... a rich read!

Athens, GA
So much more than an engaging story about the challenges of moving abroad.
Her growth is a ‘life’ lesson for all, subtly taught but strong... “The Little Lark Still Sings” stays with you long after the last page.

London, UK
Transported to Tuscany and much more...
She shares each adventure with the acute observations of a scientist and the sensibility of a poet.

Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy
The Challenge of Change.
The book is like life, at the beginning it seems that it should never end, but towards the end you have a very strong desire to start over.

Portland, OR
Highly recommended!
The book had the emotional pull of music — expressive lyrics, a lingering melody, and enough dissonance and harmony to engage and capture the listener. Beautiful!

Truth is inspiring.
Victoria brings truth to this adventure... a rare find today. I laughed, cried, and drooled over the food!... hope there is a cookbook coming.
Meet Victoria
Victoria Smith is a former marketing executive who gave up her comfortable Chicago life for the romantic dream of moving to Tuscany with her husband. Typically undaunted, Victoria was one of the first women marketing executives at Procter & Gamble in the early 1970s, a senior vice president with DDB Needham international advertising agency during the 1980s, director of volunteers at a large church in the 1990s, and single mom with two daughters for most of her career. Yet her confidence and self-esteem were rocked by the unexpected challenges of living in a foreign culture and the stresses it placed on their marriage. Determined and learning along the way, she and Larry forged a new Italian life and fell more in love than ever.
Victoria’s writing is honest and vulnerable, as if a story told to a trusted friend. A relentless optimist, she tries to face each situation in The Little Lark Still Sings with truth and grace, reflecting on whatever comes along and drawing lessons to apply to herself, making them available to and relevant for her readers.
Today, Victoria and Larry are fully engaged in their hilltown community. They zip up narrow steep roads, press their own olive oil, host friends and family, cook with natural, fresh ingredients, and are inspired every day by Italy’s dolce vita.
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Life Lessons
- I expect our new life to be fascinating and our marriage to deepen, but this is an adventure. There are no guarantees on adventures.
- In every bit of teasing is a little bit of truth.
- In a real marriage, unless each spouse is happy, neither can be.
- It is in the lingering that one finds time for wonder.
- Sometimes when you can least afford a few hours off is when you need it the most.
- Learning doesn’t come from easy successes, but from overcoming difficulties and examining failures. Perhaps that’s why living in Italy makes me feel so alive, because it is not easy.
- Love is not the opposite of pain; they exist at the same time. Love, he says, is the source of comfort within pain. It is the source of all meaningful joy.

Book Club Kit & Recipes
The Little Lark Book Club Kit
You’re in a book club? How wonderful!! To request a Book Club Kit with special offers to make your discussion of The Little Lark Still Sings richer and more fun, click here.
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